Straightforward, accessible, person-centred yoga for everybody.
At Unfold, we believe in playful, nourishing yoga that anybody can take part in and benefit from. Classes are accessible and we focus on building strength and mobility over flexibility, learning to listen to the body. Yoga is not an exclusive club where you have to be able to get your leg behind your head to take part - you don’t need to be flexible already, have fancy ‘yoga clothes’ (or even a yoga mat) to get started.
Unfold classes are playful, straightforward and work into all those tiny muscles that support healthy movement (you know, the ones you probably don’t even notice as the bigger ones grab all the headlines). The focus is on small but mighty movements to help you move well in your daily life, and beyond. Our goal is to help you to move well now and into the future, whatever your age or lifestyle.
if you’re looking for yoga in Huddersfield or yoga online, join the Unfold community - everybody’s welcome!